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What Is The Future Of Marketing?

So Much Has Changed

As technology continues to advance, the world of marketing is evolving at a rapid pace. To keep up with changing consumer behaviour and preferences, marketers are exploring new strategies and technologies to connect with their audience in meaningful ways. In this article, we will explore some of the emerging trends and technologies that are likely to shape the future of marketing.

From personalisation and artificial intelligence to voice search and augmented reality, we’ll examine the key drivers of change and discuss how they are transforming the marketing landscape. Whether you’re a marketer or simply interested in the future of this exciting field, this article will provide valuable insights into the direction that marketing is headed and what it means for businesses and consumers alike.

Cast your mind back 20 years and think how much has changed.

  • Twitter wasn’t invented
  • Unleaded petrol 77.9 p per litre
  • Nokia and Blackberry were market leaders
  • No g mail
  • UK population 59 million (in 2014 64.1 million)
  • Facebook wasn’t open to the public
  • Tesco and Sainsbury’s were the dominant supermarkets
the future of marketing has moved on just like the renault 4

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Major High Level changes in marketing

There have been several high-level changes in marketing over the past few years as a result of shifting consumer behaviour and the emergence of new technologies. Some of the key changes include:

  1. The rise of mobile: With more people accessing the internet via smartphones and tablets than ever before, mobile has become a critical channel for marketers.
  2. The importance of social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have transformed the way that businesses interact with customers and promote their products and services.
  3. The shift to data-driven marketing: Advances in technology and data analytics have enabled marketers to better understand their customers and target them with more personalized messaging.
  4. The emergence of new marketing channels: From influencer marketing and content marketing to chatbots and voice assistants, there are now more channels available for marketers to reach and engage with their audience than ever before.
  5. The focus on customer experience: Marketers are increasingly focused on delivering exceptional customer experiences across all touchpoints, from advertising and product design to customer service and support.

Overall, these changes have led to a more dynamic and complex marketing landscape, with businesses of all sizes having to adapt to new technologies and strategies to stay competitive. While the pace of change can be challenging, it also presents new opportunities for marketers to connect with their audience and drive business growth.

  • Meteoric rise in customer expectations – alright is no longer enough
  • Era of mistrust against providers
  • As consumers we have more information than we can deal with
  • A shift in power from  brands to customers (balance of power from suppliers to customers)

So How Has Your Sales & Marketing Changed In The Last  Ten Years?

  • Has your strategy changed
  • Are you measuring the effectiveness of all your activities
  • Are your customers easier to acquire and keep
  • Do you face increased competition
  • How many times have you changed your website
  • Are you still advertising in directories

Emerging Marketing Trends

The future of marketing is likely to be shaped by a variety of emerging trends and technologies, including:

  1. Personalisation: The ability to deliver personalized experiences to customers will become increasingly important as marketers look to better connect with their target audience.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: AI will play a critical role in marketing as it can analyse vast amounts of data to gain insights and predict consumer behaviour.
  3. Voice Search: With the growing popularity of smart speakers and voice assistants, optimizing content for voice search will be crucial for marketers.
  4. Video Marketing: Video marketing will continue to grow in importance as more people consume video content across multiple platforms.
  5. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing will continue to be an important part of the marketing mix as more companies look to leverage the power of social media influencers.
  6. Augmented Reality: AR technology will enable marketers to create more immersive experiences for consumers, bringing products and services to life in new and exciting ways.
  7. Data Privacy: As consumer privacy becomes a bigger concern, marketers will need to be more transparent about how they use customer data and work to earn their trust.

Overall, the future of marketing will be increasingly focused on creating personalized, engaging experiences for consumers using technology and data.

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Tools To Improve Your Marketing

Gluten Free Fish And Chips Responding To Customer Needs

You may have seen recently on television the research findings relating to the increased numbers of people suffering from allergies and intolerance’s. So with Fish and Chips being one of the UK’s most popular meals, what can be initiatives are available to help meet those who require a gluten free diet.

Gluten Free Fish And Chips – Is there a need

To accurately understand gluten-free diets requires considering three separate and unrelated medical conditions blamed on gluten:

  • Celiac disease – almost certainly under diagnosed
  • Wheat allergy – commonly over diagnosed
  • Gluten intolerance – commonly over diagnosed

Celiac disease can occur in some individuals when particles of gluten bond with intestinal proteins and cause a powerful, misdirected immune over reaction from the white blood cells. The reaction effects the microscopic fingers called villi that line the small intestine and normally absorb nutrients. Once affected, the intestine can’t function correctly, causing symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhoea, iron deficiency, and other health problems. So for people with these conditions unless they can source gluten free fish and chips they are missing out on this meal.
Today, we estimate that approximately 1 percent of the world’s population has celiac disease, so in the UK potentially 700,000 people within the UK could be effected.

Gluten Free Fish And Chips Rules About Their promotion

There are 2 claims allowed to describe foods suitable for people with a gluten intolerance. These claims apply to both food where gluten is knowingly an ingredient or present accidentally from cross-contamination:

  1. ‘Gluten-free’: for foods that contain no more than 20 parts of gluten in a million (ppm). These can be foods that:
    1. Are specifically made for a person with gluten intolerance, by using an ingredient that has been treated to reduce its gluten content (such as bread made with gluten-reduced flour)
    2. And / or have a gluten-containing ingredient substituted with one that does not contain gluten (such as pasta made from rice instead of wheat)
    3. Are everyday foods that meet the gluten limit even though they are not specifically made for this purpose (such as a soup made only from vegetables).
  2. ‘Very low gluten’: only for foods that are specifically prepared for people with a gluten intolerance. They must contain no more than 100 parts of gluten in a million and contain an ingredient that has been specially processed to reduce its gluten content. They may also contain substitute ingredients.

Gluten Free Fish and Chip Products

There are a wide range of gluten free products available to help Fish and Chip shops provide gluten free fish and chips. To find out more about developing niche specific marketing campaigns click here.

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The impact of smartphones on marketing activities

Smartphones have had a profound impact on marketing activities, revolutionising the way businesses engage with their target audience. These pocket-sized devices have become an essential part of people’s lives, providing constant connectivity and accessibility. This shift in consumer behaviour has forced marketers to adapt their strategies to the mobile-centric landscape.

Firstly, smartphones have allowed marketers to reach a much wider audience. With the widespread adoption of smartphones, businesses can connect with potential customers anytime, anywhere. Mobile marketing campaigns can be tailored to specific demographics, leveraging data such as location, browsing history, and preferences. This level of personalisation enhances the effectiveness of marketing efforts, enabling businesses to deliver targeted messages that resonate with their audience.

Smartphones have transformed the way consumers consume content. The rise of mobile apps and social media platforms has created new avenues for marketers to engage with their customers. Brands can now leverage these platforms to deliver compelling content, such as videos, images, and interactive experiences, directly to consumers’ smartphones. This has opened up new possibilities for storytelling and brand building, enabling marketers to create immersive experiences that capture attention and drive engagement.

Moreover, smartphones have given rise to the phenomenon of mobile shopping. With the increasing popularity of e-commerce and mobile payment systems, consumers can now make purchases directly from their smartphones. This has led to the emergence of mobile advertising and mobile commerce, where businesses can promote their products and services and facilitate transactions through mobile apps and websites. Marketers can leverage mobile shopping trends by optimising their websites for mobile devices, creating seamless user experiences, and implementing mobile payment options.

Furthermore, smartphones have redefined the concept of real-time marketing. With smartphones, consumers have instant access to information, and marketers can capitalize on this by delivering real-time, location-based offers and promotions. For example, businesses can send push notifications to nearby customers, informing them of special deals or limited-time offers. This immediacy allows marketers to create a sense of urgency and capitalise on the consumer’s impulse to make a purchase.

Smartphones have become an integral part of the customer journey. From initial research and product discovery to post-purchase engagement, smartphones play a vital role in every stage of the marketing funnel. Marketers can leverage this by implementing mobile-friendly websites, responsive design, and mobile apps that enhance the customer experience. By optimizing their marketing activities for smartphones, businesses can ensure seamless interactions and build long-term customer relationships.

Smartphones have had a transformative impact on marketing activities. They have expanded the reach of marketing campaigns, changed consumer behaviour, enabled mobile shopping, facilitated real-time marketing, and become an integral part of the customer journey. As smartphones continue to evolve and shape consumer preferences, marketers must stay agile and adapt their strategies to effectively engage with the ever-connected mobile audience. website on mobile web design blue dolphin

Top 5 SME Modern Marketing Approaches

As a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) manufacturer, implementing effective marketing approaches is crucial to generate leads and inquiries that can drive business growth. Here are five highly effective strategies that can help achieve this goal:

  1. Digital Marketing and Online Presence: In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is paramount. Utilise digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, and social media marketing to increase visibility and attract potential customers. Establishing a user-friendly, informative website that showcases your manufacturing capabilities, product range, and success stories can significantly enhance your online credibility and capture the interest of prospective clients.
  2. Content Marketing and Thought Leadership: Position your SME manufacturing company as an industry thought leader by creating valuable and relevant content. Develop informative blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and videos that address common industry challenges and provide solutions. Sharing this content through various channels, including your website, social media, email newsletters, and industry publications, can establish your authority and attract businesses seeking your expertise.
  3. Networking and Industry Events: Participating in industry events, trade shows, conferences, and networking opportunities can significantly boost lead generation. Engage with other professionals, potential customers, and industry stakeholders to build relationships and create awareness about your manufacturing capabilities. Consider hosting workshops, giving presentations, or sponsoring events to showcase your expertise and offerings to a wider audience.
  4. Customer Referral Programs: Leverage your existing customer base to generate referrals. Encourage satisfied customers to refer your services to their business contacts, offering incentives or discounts for successful referrals. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied clients can be a powerful tool for attracting new leads and inquiries from companies seeking manufacturing solutions.
  5. Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborate with complementary businesses or suppliers in your industry to expand your reach and generate more leads. Partnering with companies that offer related products or services can lead to mutual referrals and a broader customer base. Joint marketing efforts, co-hosted events, or co-branded campaigns can increase brand exposure and attract inquiries from a broader range of potential clients.

Implementing a mix of these marketing approaches tailored to your specific industry, target audience, and business objectives can help your SME manufacturing company effectively generate leads and inquiries, ultimately contributing to business growth and sustainability.

top 5 modern marketing approaches blue dolphin

What Is The Future Of Marketing?

What is your sales and marketing plan to grow your business for the next 12 months. Following the issues of Covid marketing and sales approaches have been completely transformed. If you used to gain business through traditional methods i.e. face to face networking, or networking groups then these marketing approaches disappeared completely. Zoom and Microsoft teams are great online tools for conducting virtual meetings but they predominantly work when a relationship is known or established. So marketing will have a very important role in the future in encouraging the opening up and warming up of relationships. How can you use marketing effectively to open up relationships.

As we’ve seen, the future of marketing for SMEs is set to be shaped by a range of trends and technologies, from personalization and artificial intelligence to voice search and augmented reality. While this can seem daunting for small business owners, there are steps that SMEs can take to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on these emerging opportunities.

One of the most important steps SMEs can take is to embrace a data-driven approach to marketing. By using tools like Google Analytics and social media insights, SMEs can gain a better understanding of their customers’ behavior and preferences and use this information to tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Another key strategy for SMEs is to focus on creating exceptional customer experiences. By delivering personalized, engaging experiences at every touchpoint, SMEs can build strong relationships with their customers and drive loyalty and advocacy.

Finally, SMEs should embrace new technologies and marketing channels as they emerge. Whether it’s experimenting with chatbots or exploring the potential of augmented reality, being willing to try new things can help SMEs stand out from the competition and capture the attention of their target audience.

In conclusion, the future of marketing for SMEs is full of both challenges and opportunities. By staying up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies and adopting a customer-centric, data-driven approach, SMEs can thrive in an increasingly complex and competitive marketing landscape.

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