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customer research Blue Dolphin Business Development
Years Trading
Organisational Departments Involved
Marketing and Sales Strategy Created

Product Range Had Grown Over 25 years

Manufacturing client who had been producing various ranges of products for over 25 years. The product portfolio had grown to a level where it was causing a variety of  issues from stock control through to extended lead times, ultimately affecting customer satisfaction and profitability.

No formalised marketing / sales strategy

Fundamental to the business challenge was the fact that the company didn’t have a formalised business plan or any sales and marketing strategy. Working with the senior management team we helped facilitate challenging discussions to re evaluate which product segments and which customer segments the business should prioritise and focus on.

All business functions contributed

With the focus on sales and marketing a wide range of other challenges were identified. Through a structured process we were able to develop a robust plan that all functions within the company brought into. Work completed under a non disclosure arrangement so unfortunately exact details cannot be showcased.

To find out more about how targeted marketing can become an effective way of generating sales.

Call 01733 361729 or email 

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