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market research report front cover blue dolphin

Brief : What marketing required to develop the UK market

Output: Detailed UK analysis allowed for presentation back to US manufacturers

strategic marketing review blue dolphin

Brief : Market analysis to identify if commercial opportunity

Output : Impartial analysis provided confidence to develop niche products

strategic marketing plan for fsm blue dolphin business development

Brief : Formalised Marketing and Sales planning to allow prioritisation

Output: Strategic thinking with management team provided clear focus

product opportunity report produced by blue dolphin

Brief: Development of a National Account sales proposal & presentation .

Output : Range development and new product listings gained.

front cover of report for ge

Brief : Market analysis to identify commercial opportunity and key players

Output : Comprehensive findings allowed for detailed strategic discussions

ajc competitor analysis cover

Brief: Identify if competitors really offering incredibly low prices and short lead times.

Output : Established exactly how competitors responded to a sales enquiry.

% of businesses sataisfied with conversion rates
% of B2B researchers use mobile for product research at work
% who rated generating traffic and leads as top marketing challenge

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egg with winking eyes
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